Source code for redisvl.utils.vectorize.text.custom

import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional

from pydantic.v1 import PrivateAttr

from redisvl.utils.vectorize.base import BaseVectorizer

[docs] class CustomTextVectorizer(BaseVectorizer): """The CustomTextVectorizer class wraps user-defined embeding methods to create embeddings for text data. This vectorizer is designed to accept a provided callable text vectorizer and provides a class definition to allow for compatibility with RedisVL. The vectorizer may support both synchronous and asynchronous operations which allows for batch processing of texts, but at a minimum only syncronous embedding is required to satisfy the 'embed()' method. .. code-block:: python # Synchronous embedding of a single text vectorizer = CustomTextVectorizer( embed = my_vectorizer.generate_embedding ) embedding = vectorizer.embed("Hello, world!") # Asynchronous batch embedding of multiple texts embeddings = await vectorizer.aembed_many( ["Hello, world!", "How are you?"], batch_size=2 ) """ _embed_func: Callable = PrivateAttr() _embed_many_func: Optional[Callable] = PrivateAttr() _aembed_func: Optional[Callable] = PrivateAttr() _aembed_many_func: Optional[Callable] = PrivateAttr() def __init__( self, embed: Callable, embed_many: Optional[Callable] = None, aembed: Optional[Callable] = None, aembed_many: Optional[Callable] = None, ): """Initialize the Custom vectorizer. Args: embed (Callable): a Callable function that accepts a string object and returns a list of floats. embed_many (Optional[Callable)]: a Callable function that accepts a list of string objects and returns a list containing lists of floats. Defaults to None. aembed (Optional[Callable]): an asyncronous Callable function that accepts a string object and returns a lists of floats. Defaults to None. aembed_many (Optional[Callable]): an asyncronous Callable function that accepts a list of string objects and returns a list containing lists of floats. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError if any of the provided functions accept or return incorrect types. TypeError if any of the provided functions are not Callable objects. """ self._validate_embed(embed) self._embed_func = embed if embed_many: self._validate_embed_many(embed_many) self._embed_many_func = embed_many if aembed: self._validate_aembed(aembed) self._aembed_func = aembed if aembed_many: self._validate_aembed_many(aembed_many) self._aembed_many_func = aembed_many super().__init__(model=self.type, dims=self._set_model_dims()) def _validate_embed(self, func: Callable): """calls the func with dummy input and validates that it returns a vector""" try: test_str = "this is a test sentence" candidate_vector = func(test_str) if type(candidate_vector) != list or type(candidate_vector[0]) != float: raise ValueError( f"Candidate function for embed() does not have the correct return type. Please provide a function with with return type List[float]" ) except TypeError: raise TypeError(f"{func} is not a callable object") def _validate_embed_many(self, func: Callable): """calls the func with dummy input and validates that it returns a list of vectors""" try: test_strs = ["first test sentence", "second test sentence"] candidate_vectors = func(test_strs) if ( type(candidate_vectors) != list or type(candidate_vectors[0]) != list or type(candidate_vectors[0][0]) != float ): raise ValueError( f"Candidate function for embed_many does not have the correct return type. Please provide a function with with return type List[List[float]]" ) except TypeError: raise TypeError(f"{func} is not a callable object") def _validate_aembed(self, func: Callable): """calls the func with dummy input and validates that it returns a vector""" import asyncio try: test_str = "this is a test sentence" loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() candidate_vector = loop.run_until_complete(func(test_str)) if type(candidate_vector) != list or type(candidate_vector[0]) != float: raise ValueError( f"Candidate function for aembed() does not have the correct return type. Please provide a function with with return type List[float]" ) except TypeError: raise TypeError(f"{func} is not a callable object") def _validate_aembed_many(self, func: Callable): """calls the func with dummy input and validates that it returns a list of vectors""" import asyncio try: test_strs = ["first test sentence", "second test sentence"] loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() candidate_vectors = loop.run_until_complete(func(test_strs)) if ( type(candidate_vectors) != list or type(candidate_vectors[0]) != list or type(candidate_vectors[0][0]) != float ): raise ValueError( f"Candidate function for aembed_many does not have the correct return type. Please provide a function with with return type List[List[float]]" ) except TypeError: raise TypeError(f"{func} is not a callable object") def _set_model_dims(self) -> int: try: test_string = "dimension test" embedding = self._embed_func(test_string) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise ValueError( f"Error in checking model dimensions. Attempted to embed '{test_string}'. :{str(e)}" ) return len(embedding)
[docs] def embed( self, text: str, preprocess: Optional[Callable] = None, as_buffer: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> List[float]: """Embed a chunk of text using the provided function. Args: text (str): Chunk of text to embed. preprocess (Optional[Callable], optional): Optional preprocessing callable to perform before vectorization. Defaults to None. as_buffer (bool, optional): Whether to convert the raw embedding to a byte string. Defaults to False. Returns: List[float]: Embedding. Raises: TypeError: If the wrong input type is passed in for the text. """ if not isinstance(text, str): raise TypeError("Must pass in a str value to embed.") if preprocess: text = preprocess(text) else: result = self._embed_func(text, **kwargs) return self._process_embedding(result, as_buffer)
[docs] def embed_many( self, texts: List[str], preprocess: Optional[Callable] = None, batch_size: int = 10, as_buffer: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> List[List[float]]: """Embed many chunks of texts using the provided function. Args: texts (List[str]): List of text chunks to embed. preprocess (Optional[Callable], optional): Optional preprocessing callable to perform before vectorization. Defaults to None. batch_size (int, optional): Batch size of texts to use when creating embeddings. Defaults to 10. as_buffer (bool, optional): Whether to convert the raw embedding to a byte string. Defaults to False. Returns: List[List[float]]: List of embeddings. Raises: TypeError: If the wrong input type is passed in for the text. NotImplementedError: if embed_many was not passed to constructor. """ if not isinstance(texts, list): raise TypeError("Must pass in a list of str values to embed.") if len(texts) > 0 and not isinstance(texts[0], str): raise TypeError("Must pass in a list of str values to embed.") if not self._embed_many_func: raise NotImplementedError embeddings: List = [] for batch in self.batchify(texts, batch_size, preprocess): results = self._embed_many_func(batch, **kwargs) embeddings += [self._process_embedding(r, as_buffer) for r in results] return embeddings
[docs] async def aembed( self, text: str, preprocess: Optional[Callable] = None, as_buffer: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> List[float]: """Asynchronously embed a chunk of text. Args: text (str): Chunk of text to embed. preprocess (Optional[Callable], optional): Optional preprocessing callable to perform before vectorization. Defaults to None. as_buffer (bool, optional): Whether to convert the raw embedding to a byte string. Defaults to False. Returns: List[float]: Embedding. Raises: TypeError: If the wrong input type is passed in for the text. NotImplementedError: if aembed was not passed to constructor. """ if not isinstance(text, str): raise TypeError("Must pass in a str value to embed.") if not self._aembed_func: raise NotImplementedError if preprocess: text = preprocess(text) else: result = await self._aembed_func(text, **kwargs) return self._process_embedding(result, as_buffer)
[docs] async def aembed_many( self, texts: List[str], preprocess: Optional[Callable] = None, batch_size: int = 1000, as_buffer: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> List[List[float]]: """Asynchronously embed many chunks of texts. Args: texts (List[str]): List of text chunks to embed. preprocess (Optional[Callable], optional): Optional preprocessing callable to perform before vectorization. Defaults to None. batch_size (int, optional): Batch size of texts to use when creating embeddings. Defaults to 10. as_buffer (bool, optional): Whether to convert the raw embedding to a byte string. Defaults to False. Returns: List[List[float]]: List of embeddings. Raises: TypeError: If the wrong input type is passed in for the text. NotImplementedError: If aembed_many was not passed to constructor. """ if not isinstance(texts, list): raise TypeError("Must pass in a list of str values to embed.") if len(texts) > 0 and not isinstance(texts[0], str): raise TypeError("Must pass in a list of str values to embed.") if not self._aembed_many_func: raise NotImplementedError embeddings: List = [] for batch in self.batchify(texts, batch_size, preprocess): results = await self._aembed_many_func(batch, **kwargs) embeddings += [self._process_embedding(r, as_buffer) for r in results] return embeddings
@property def type(self) -> str: return "custom"